Provincial Priory of Kent The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England and Wales and Provinces Overseas

Province of Kent
Squiggle Provincial Priory of Sussex

On 10th of September 2022 the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master Paul Raymond Clement installed R.E.Kt. Colin Dann into the Throne of the Provincial Priory of Sussex at Brighton Masonic Centre.

Provincial Priory of Sussex Grand Master and the New Provincial Prior for Sussex R.E.Kt. Colin Dann

In attendance were a goodly number of Kent Knights and 4 of those namely E.Kt. Norman Playford Grand Masters Banner Bearer, E.Kt. Kelvin Gane Deputy Great Marshal, E.Kt. Colin Smith acting Great Guard and Kt. Andrew Waddington Grand Master’s Bodyguard took part in the Installation ceremony.

The Provincial Prior R.E.Kt. David Jordan and Provincial Vice-Chancellor E.Kt. Dennis Dean represented the delegation from the Province of Kent.

Provincial Priory of Sussex Delegation form Kent

Provincial Priory of Sussex Grand Master Paul Raymond Clement, Norman Playford and Colin Smith

Provincial Priory of Sussex Provincial Priory of Sussex Banner


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