Province of Kent

The first Provincial Constable Mess for a long time was held on 20th of December 2024 at the Honourable Artillery Company head quarters in London.
The assembled Provincial Constables were welcomed by E.Kt. Major David Daniels and taken down to the motor pool of the Artillery Company to view the 25 pounder Guns used to salute the King at the Tower of London. At his Majesty Coronation these howitzers were fired a total of sixty two rounds and for his Majesty birthday a salute of twenty one rounds are fired.
Afterwards the Knights were treated to a tour of the Artillery Museum that had display cases of uniforms and memorabilia from the origin of the Company in 1537 to the present day. A side room displayed the fantastic Silver treasures of the Company including Trophy’s and Silver Plate.
The Knights were lead by our host the Provincial 1st Constable E.Kt. Mark Wright to the Medal room that displays an impressive array of passed Soldier’s Medal’s from conflicts around the world including many Victoria Crosses. The Knights retired for a drink in the Company Bar called the Sutling room, where they were presented with a Provincial Constables Lapel pins by our host.
Lunch was called and we departed to the Long room for an excellent three Course lunch with plenty of fine wine. After a filling lunch and great camaraderie we reassembled in the Drum room for Port and further explanations of the day to day working of the Company by E.Kt. Major David Daniels. We descended the remarkable Grand Stair case with a beautiful stain glass window to the Armoury where the ceremonial Pikes and Muskets are stored; our host dressed the Provincial Prior R.E.Kt. David Jordan K.C.T. in the Armour of a Pike man to demonstrate the weight and splendor of the Amoured plate work.
The Provincial Prior sincerely thanked E.Kt. Mark Wright and E.Kt. Major David Daniels for such an excellent and well-presented day. A collection was held for the St. John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital and raised a generous £167.
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