Province of Kent

On the 17th of December 2024 at Dartford Masonic Hall, the Kent Preceptory of St. George No.629 Eminent Preceptor E.Kt. John Oakshott welcomed the Provincial Sub Prior E.Kt. Pieter Jan Swinge and his Escorting Deputy Marshall E.Kt. Stephen Hyland to their Installation meeting.

The Eminent Preceptor Installed Kt. Colin Moth into the chair ably assisted by E.Kt. Duncan Griffiths who conducted the inner workings. The new Eminent Preceptor E.Kt. Colin Moth invested all his officers and the Preceptory registrar E.Kt. Kevin Murphy proposed that £100 be donated to the St. John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital. The members of the Preceptory passed the proposal.

There were twenty five knights in attendance.

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