The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England and Wales and Provinces Overseas
Province of Kent
Three New Members For Thanet Preceptory No.401
On the 5th of December 2024 at Thanet Preceptory No.401 meeting in Margate the Eminent Preceptor E.Kt. Paul Moore opened and conducted the business of the Preceptory which included balloting for one joining member and two new Knights to be installed.
Kt. Kirby, E.Kt. Salter & Kt. Umney
The Preceptor closed the Preceptory and the Past Prior E.Kt. Michael Salter opened a Priory of Knights of Malta he then proceeded to install as Knights of Malta Kt. David Kirby from Thanet Preceptory and Kt. Frederick Umney from the Preceptory of the Holy Trinity No.391 the lectures were delivered by E.Kt Woodgate, E.Kt. Dive and E.K. Hadden.
Thanet Preceptory No.401
The sixteen Knights present retired to a splendid refectory.
401 Thanet Preceptory Banner
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