Provincial Priory of Kent The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England and Wales and Provinces Overseas

Province of Kent
Squiggle The June Meeting Of Lullingstone Preceptory No.155

At Lullingstone Preceptory No.155 on the 24th June 2024 at Duke Street, St. James London. E.Kt. Danny Daniel installed E.Kt. Andew Charalambous into the chair with twelve other knights present including the representative of the Provincial Prior E.Kt. Neil Pinner P.Gt. Aide-de Camp Provincial 1st Constable.

The assembled Knights decamped to the Famous Davy’s Bar for a scrumptious festive board.

E.Kt. Pinner, E.Kt.Charalambous, E.Kt. Esortffe & E.Kt.Fox E.Kt. Pinner, E.Kt.Charalambous, E.Kt. Esortffe & E.Kt.Fox

E.Kt. Pinner, E.Kt. Charalambous & E.Kt. Wright E.Kt. Pinner, E.Kt. Charalambous & E.Kt. Wrightr

E.Kt.Charalambous & E.Kt.Daniels E.Kt.Charalambous & E.Kt.Daniels

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