Provincial Priory of Kent The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England and Wales and Provinces Overseas

Province of Kent
Squiggle Joint Malta Meeting in Sussex

On Friday the 28th of June 2024 in Brighton Masonic Centre, V.E.Kt. Dennis Dean the guest of E.Kt. Barry Long went along to the joint Malta meeting of the Thornton Priory No.208 and the De Warenne Priory No. 126, the first of its kind in the Province of Sussex.

E.Kt. Barry Long & V.E.Kt. Dennis Dean E.Kt. Barry Long & V.E.Kt. Dennis Dean

R.E.Kt. Colin Dann the Provincial Prior for Sussex and his Provincial Officers along with the Bodyguard were also in attendance. Which made an impressive number of knights to take part in the Malta degree and conduct the ceremony of installing four candidates as Knights of Malta. The Provincial Prior’s bodyguard performed the Banner Guard and E.Kt. Angus Rhodes the registrar of De Warenne Priory oversee the proceedings and delivered all the lectures in a most professional manner and to be noted, he was word perfect.

V.E.Kt. Dean & R.E.Kt. Dann V.E.Kt. Dean & R.E.Kt. Dann

The Provincial Prior gave the accolade to the candidates and the Eminent Preceptor E.Kt. Robert Bromley explained the secrets of the degree. The joint meeting was a complete success and will be hosted by De Warenne Priory next year. The Priory Chancellor E.Kt. Ray Seager constructed a new set of octagonal and pentangle tables for this joint meeting to continue.

The Thornton Preceptory Banner The Thornton Preceptory Banner

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