Provincial Priory of Kent The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England and Wales and Provinces Overseas

Province of Kent
Squiggle West Kent Preceptory No.371 50th Year Certificate Presentation

The West Kent Preceptory No.371 held a very special Installation meeting on 17th of May 2024 in Sevenoaks. It started with the R.E.Kt. David Jordan being welcomed into the Preceptory by the acting Eminent Preceptor E.Kt Ralph Craig who vacated the chair in favour of the installing Preceptor E.Kt. Peter Chun. E.Kt. Chun expertly installed into the chair E.Kt. Ian James Mitchell.

The next item on the agenda were to present a 50th year certificate to E.Kt. Edward Robert Douglas De Poitiers by the Provincial Prior, the presentation took the role of a question and answer with E.Kt. De Poitiers telling his life story to the assembled Knights. The Provincial Prior formally presented E.Kt. De Poitiers with his certificate and then asked the Provincial Vice-Chancellor to read out a letter from the Great Vice-Chancellor stating that the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master Paul Raymond Clement has granted permission for the Provincial Prior to promote in the field E.Kt. De Poitiers to Past Great Registrar. The Provincial Prior presented the letter of confirmation and the Past Great Registrar mantle badges for the Temple and Malta degrees.

Field Promotion Field Promotion

A trio of Very Eminent Knights A trio of Very Eminent Knights

The Provincial Prior then asked the Provincial Vice-Chancellor to read out his Provincial Prior’s award of Merit to V.E.Kt. De Poitier, and proceeded to present that award.

The Provincial Prior asked for V.E.Kt. Terry Albert Dennis Bowler to be presented to him and asked the Provincial Vice-Chancellor to read out his Provincial Prior’s award of Merit to V.E.Kt. Bowler. The Provincial Prior explained to the assembled Knights that V.E.Kt. Bowler hadn’t had his 50th Year certificate presented to him because of covid 19 and he likewise deserved a Provincial Prior’s award of merit for his services to the order.

The next presentation was a Grand Master keystone fund collar and jewel presented to the Eminent Preceptor by the Provincial Prior. Who thanked the Preceptory for raising the donation to purchase the Collar and Jewel. E.Kt. David Martin was then presented to the Provincial Prior so a personal Grand Master Keystone fund breast jewel could be presented to him for his personal donation to the fund.

Grand Masters Keystone Fund Jewel Grand Masters Keystone Fund Jewel

The Provincial Prior proceeded to presented six Great Priory Certificates to newly installed knights of the Preceptory.

West Kent Preceptory No.371 West Kent Preceptory No.371

There were fifty knights present to witness a very, very, special meeting indeed.

The West Kent Preceptory Banner The West Kent Preceptory Banner

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