The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England and Wales and Provinces Overseas
Province of Kent
The Installation meeting of Roffa’s Camp Preceptory
At Howard Memorial hall, Wigmore on the 24th of November 2023. E.Kt. Ivor Colin Hawkins ably assisted by E.Kt. Ron Prichard install E.Kt. Barry Saunders into the chair of Roffa’s Camp Preceptory No.224.
The Representative of the Provincial Prior. E.Kt. Mark Wright Provincial 2nd Constable reported the ceremony was conducted well by the Preceptory Marshall E.Kt. Derek Chapman and the Eminent Preceptor allowed E.Kt. Ron to conduct the inner workings on E.Kt. Saunders because they are old friends. A goodly number of 27 Knights was Present to witness this fine ceremony.
E.Kt. Wright, E.Kt. Saunders & E.Kt. Hawkins
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