The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England and Wales and Provinces Overseas
Province of Kent
The November Preceptory of the Holy Trinity Malta Meeting
The first Provincial Malta investiture meeting of the year was held at the Preceptory of the Holy Trinity Malta meeting on the 18th of November 2023 at Gravesend Masonic hall.
Knight Candidates
Appointed knights and Candidates
The meeting was opened by the Eminent Prior E.Kt. Gary Nash who welcomed the Provincial Prior R.E.Kt. David Jordan and the Provincial Sub Prior E.Kt. Pieter Jan Swinge into the Priory. The Eminent Prior handed over the Priory to his Predecessor E.Kt Stephen Hyland who installed all ten Knight Candidates into the Order of Knights of Malta. The Provincial Prior conducted the accolade on the Knight Candidates and the Sub Prior decorated each Knight Candidate with his Malta Jewel. E.Kt. Hyland delivered the secrets of the degree to the Knight Candidates.
E.Kt. Dean E.Kt Gray V.E.Kt McCully E.Kt. Hyland E.Kt. Gane
E.Kt. Nash, E.Kt. Swinge, R.E.Kt. Jordan, E.Kt. Hyland
The Provincial Prior's Bodyguard
E.Kt. Dean gave an explanation of the Banners, E.Kt. Lines gave the explanation of the Standards, Kt. Philips gave the address of the approach of the Knights and Kt. Dobson described the Pentangle Table, the Knight Candidates were then marched to the Octagonal Table were E.Kt. Page gave the description of the Octagonal Table. The Priory of Malta was handed back to the Eminent Prior, after which a Provincial Priory of Malta was opened by the Provincial Prior and he appointed and invested his Provincial Officers present.
There were fifty Knights present in the Temple and thirty nine dined.
Octagonal Table
Pentangle Table
The Preceptory of the Holy Trinity Banner
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