Provincial Priory of Kent The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England and Wales and Provinces Overseas

Province of Kent
Squiggle Lord Harris Preceptory No.475 receives Grand Masters Keystone Fund Collar and Jewel

On Wednesday 18th of October 2023 at Lord Harris Preceptory No.475 in Ashford the Provincial Vice-Chancellor E.Kt. Dennis Dean Presented a Grand Masters Keystone Fund Collar and Jewel to the Eminent Preceptor E.Kt. Philip John Hadden. The Jewel was jointly funded by E.Kt. Robyn Murdo-Smith and Kt. Dmytro Tupchiienko.

Lord Harris Preceptory No.475 receives Grand Masters Keystone Fund Collar and Jewel E.Kt Dean, E.Kt. Hadden and Kt Dupchiienko

The Eminent Preceptor thanked E.Kt Dennis for presenting the Jewel and both Knights for generously funding the presentation. The Grand Master’s Keystone Award is a new entity inaugurated in 2023. At the Quarterly Communications of the Grand Mark the name and purpose of the 150th Anniversary Keystone fund was changed to the Grand Masters Keystone Fund to celebrate our Grand Master, the Most Worshipful Brother Prince Michael of Kent, having given forty years of service to Mark Masonry.

Initially the purpose of the new fund is to grant awards to individuals to offer encouragement and financial support with their educational, vocational and sporting achievements. It will also support various Bursaries and schemes in the wider community.

The Provincial Priory of London Grand Masters Keystone Fund Jewel and Button


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