Provincial Priory of Kent The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England and Wales and Provinces Overseas

Province of Kent
Squiggle Provincial Priory of Hampshire and Isle of Wight

On the 2nd of September 2023 the Provincial Vice-Chancellor E.Kt. Dennis Dean representing the Provincial Prior R.E.Kt. David Jordan along with E.Kt.Graham Mitchell and E.Kt. David Martin made their way to the Provincial Priory of Hampshire and Isle of Wight down in Botley near Southampton.

They were treated to a fine Provincial Priory meeting conducted by Right Eminent Knight Cdr Charles Jonathan Aspinell and all his officers.

The meeting was enhanced by the Past Great Seneschal V.H & R.E. Kt. Malcolm Slater G.C.T. and the Great Prior of Malta R.E.Kt. Jonathan Charles Whitaker K.C.T. at the Hampshire and Isle of Wight  Dodransbicentennial anniversary (175th ) of the founding of the Province.

Provincial Priory of Surrey Hampshire & IOW Banner


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