Provincial Priory of Kent The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England and Wales and Provinces Overseas

Province of Kent
Squiggle The Provincial Prior visits St. Michael’s Preceptory

On Wednesday 5th July 2023 the Provincial Prior R.E.Kt. David Jordan and his new active officers of the year visited St. Michael’s Preceptory No.436 in Sittingbourne

The Eminent Preceptor E.Kt. Brian Buckland welcomed the Provincial Prior and installed into the Order Kt. Paul Harris. There were thirty one Knights present at the meeting.

The Provincial Prior visits St. Michael’s Preceptory Provincial Prior’s Bodyguard

The Provincial Prior visits St. Michael’s Preceptory Guarding the Sepulchre

The Provincial Prior visits St. Michael’s Preceptory The St. Michael’s Preceptory Banner

The Provincial Prior visits St. Michael’s Preceptory The new Provincial Banner Bearer E.Kt. Ian Garrett


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